Saturday, June 20, 2020

Break The Cycle Against Racism.

Racism may be defined as the hatred of one person by another- or the belief that another person is superior to the other based on skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any other factor that reveals the basic nature of that person or community. It has existed throughout history and is a major issue in today’s culture.
People obsession with fair skin is well known and deep-rooted. Color prejudice is practiced openly. Many people believe skin color determines the people’s worth.  In many culture, all virtues are associated with “fair” while anything dark has negative connotations.
It is a strange mixture of prejudice, ignorance, and old discriminatory practices, when communities kept themselves and there were dining taboos based on caste and color.
This belief was not “automatic”. It gives people fear, doubt, shame and sometimes guilt. It gives people an awful perspective of life. Throughout time, many people have lost their lives, or lost their families and children, and are left without homes due to racism.  
Black Lives Matter is one of the most influential activism movements of the 21st century which shows how black people are treated by the whites. The movement sparked by the death of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a neighbourhood- watch volunteer in Florida in 2012. Since the history indicates, the word racism was started in 1930 and still it’s practices in today’s life which was witnessed on 20 May 2020, A 46 years old George Floyd was murdered by the white policeman in USA due to his brutality at the time of his arrest. It has always been more of a human rights movement rather than a civil rights movement. The Black Lives Matter movement started as an online campaign, with the main aim of campaigning against violence and racism that faced the African Americans. 
Racism is more than just words, beliefs and action. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race on the other hand equality is so important because it preserves the “dignity” of an individual. Dignity means self-respect and the respect an individual deserves from others for being a fellow human being irrespective of their caste, creed and color.
Toni Morrison also stated that “There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race – scientifically, anthropologically.

By: Mahima Roukhar

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