Though this kind of rape is not much
talked about or discussed or it may not be recognized by this terminology, but
it is faced and experienced by almost all of us. Sexual rape is the violation
of somebody’s body on the other hand emotional rape is defilement of emotions,
feelings and above all and the human soul.
Emotional Debauching is a conscious and
meticulously designed act of violence on a person’s emotions. Though calling
such a deed as emotional rape is an extremely vulgar term, but it is a painful
reality. The survivors psyche is inhumanly attacked.
One may not even be aware of what’s going
on because the emotional abuse starts off slowly and deftly. Men have equal
chances of being victimized. During emotional rape, the survivors are already
vulnerable. Coping with a whole lot of dependence and addiction, they can’t
believe what they are being told or what all is being done to them.
Here, I am using “She” as the rapist and
“He” as the survivor because men do have emotions and they are also vulnerable
to be raped emotionally. She shows so much admiration and tells ‘him’ how
awesome, how understanding, how dazzling he is, making him feel alive and
euphoric. He feels special and cherished. There is a sense of gratification
which ‘he’ has never felt before in his life.
She is fully equipped with the knowledge
of words to use and acts charismatically to manipulate the survivor of the
relationship. Now he is ready to do anything for the lady love. A woman can chase a man for years by setting
the stage for him so that he feels completely helpless and surrenders.
Such people set this kind of stage for
their personal gains. They are not bothered about the destruction of the
relationship, or the emotional damage they inflict. They are also immune to
accountability. When the rapist wants to leave ‘him’, she would not mind
telling him that she can’t cope with him anymore, that he is just boring for
her. The magical soul- mate relationship goes from hell to heaven.
While the survivor puts lots of energy
into building relationship, the assaulter uses his energy to build a false
persona of himself. The assaulter rapes the positive out of the relationship.
The survivor self- respect and self- image gets shattered and thus become more
vulnerable to abuse. Self- esteem and self- worth are stripped away
There will be a change in the intense range of
emotions like from fear to anger, from anxiety to shame and from guilt to
humiliation. The person will not even be able to trust one’s own thought and
There are different kinds of Emotional
Name Calling – They will
blatantly call you “stupid” or a “loser” or any other word.
Derogatory “pet names”-
This is just more names calling in not- so- subtle disguised. They use words
which are not terms of endearment.
Character Assassination-
This usually involves word always, for example you are always late. Basically,
they say you are not a good person.
Yelling- Screaming,
yelling and swearing are meant to intimidate and make you feel small and
Patronizing- “Aw,
sweetie, I know you try, but this is just beyond your understanding”. They use this kind of words to make you feel
that you are worthless.
Joking- They make fun of
your weaknesses. Simply relate jokes to you which are insulting for you.
Sarcasm- It is actually
hostility disguised as humor. Insulting you indirectly.
Public Embarrassment-
They pick fights, eposes secret of yours or make fun of yours. Shortcomings in
Ignorance: They simply
ignore you. Ignore your calls and messages, stop calling and shows that they
are not more interested in you.
Insult of your
appearances- They simply make insult of appearances. For example: You look so
fat, your dressing sense is so old fashioned etc.
Like sexual rape, this assault also
happens without consent. Emotional Rape is a violation of the human soul.
By: Mahima
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