Saturday, August 29, 2020

Elegy To Chadwick.

We know in your culture, death is not the end! Sometimes we don't realise that we get attached to people until we stop to hear from them. We spend hours, days talking about their excellence, and a piece of our heart starts to belong with them, we admire them and no matter how much mature we grow, there character becomes an eternal part of our memory.

Dear Chadwick, 

You taught us to fight for what is rightfully ours, you taught us that power is suppose to be shared with others and that friends never leave your side during harsher times. Your philosophy of reel and real life inspired millions and you will always be remembered in our hearts.

‌We can write a thousand elegy for you, but there is nothing that we can do as concretely perfect as you.  You fought battles that only you know about and your perseverance of life is incomparable to anyone. You will always be my hero, Our Black Panther. The person who always stood for what is right no matter if it wasn’t easy or was an unknown leap of faith.

I cannot help but think how your movies made me feel a part of your resistance; they inspired me more to look up for a society that is racist free. Your biggest achievement in life will always be to inspire people to look at each other with kindness and help each other when needed irrespective of the cost.

With love from an admirer, you live in our hearts! Forever.

By: Hammy 


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