Friday, August 14, 2020

Nature Is Thanking You!

 At the point when the world is very still, 

It's an ideal opportunity to kick back and reflect, 

On the habits of man, 

His damaging and disastrous acts 

While the world is attempting to contain the infection, 

Nature takes over with every one of its admirers, 

Presently the air is cleaner, 

What's more, the earth is greener 

Winged animals are twittering, 

Squirrels are bouncing, 

Seas are breathing, 

What's more, streams are cleaner, 

Appears nature is mending, 

Grinning with bliss, its eyes are sparkling, 

The sun is sparkling energetically, 

Indeed!! it is a progressively iridescent night, 

The moon and stars are sparkling brilliant, 

As the layers of toxins are not obstructing the light, 

The rushing about of city has stopped, 

Nature springs back to existence with a shock, 

In spite of the fact that the time is extreme, 

The stage is harsh, 

Be that as it may, it's a matter of concern, 

What's more, an exercise to learn,

Be increasingly slow, 

What's more, utilize your brain, 

Just spotlight on need, 

Evade the voracity and cold-bloodedness, 

God is allowing us to change our predetermination,

If it's not too much trouble spare mankind and a more advantageous condition for your future offspring.

By: Hammy

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