Thursday, September 3, 2020

Pandemic And Life Of A Student.

It seems like yesterday; just two days were left for my last twelfth board. I had planned on so many outings for my after-school time even more than I was studying. I remember being excited about finishing school and just when I thought life for me is changing,  it changed for the worse !my exam got canceled and we went under a complete lockdown. It has been 5 months and ever since I keep asking myself what happens to my plans now?

Someway, somehow the results were announced a month back, I got 92.4%. Which might not be enough for me to get into a college of my choice? I still have a second chance though, entrance test. However, I don't even know when they would take place. It's September already and we were supposed to be enjoying college life but alas! we're stuck at home just wondering when would all of this be over and we begin with what we have been waiting for so long.

I would be changing streams, science to arts. I don't want to do engineering. I think I am lucky that way. My classmates would have to give JEE. Sitting in that examination hall for 4 hours straight, wearing facemask and gloves, and to top it off the anxiousness, one for the exam and two for catching the well-known disease.

It has been very difficult to sit at home and ponder upon so many things. Would I be able to get into that college? What if I go for the entrance test and catch you-know-what? This was the time I was supposed to be enjoying at my fullest and I feel like I've been locked inside this prison without knowing for how long. Would we even have a fresher's party this year? Would the colleges even start or are we going to drop this year? So many questions no one knows the answer to.

By: Mahi


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