Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Date!

“You lied.  Even after I gave you another chance, you lied.” Tears were rolling down my cheeks but he didn’t even bother to look at me. “You were with her last night, weren’t you?” I asked. He ignored. It’s enough now, I can’t be in this any longer. Not when I’m the only one trying to make it work and he’s hell-bent on ruining it. “We’re done,” I announced and got out of the car in the pouring rain, at least my tears would be less visible now.

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts. That was past. It shouldn’t bother me anymore. He’s gone now and I’m going to start afresh, with someone who actually cares. But I really can't do this on my own. Can't somebody else do it for me? I looked at the clock for the hundredth time, it's 04:23. The date is at 05:00 and I still couldn't decide what to wear. Clothes are scattered all over my bed, but none of them good enough. The jittery feeling I’m experiencing since morning is now extreme.

I took a deep breath and dived back into the depths of my wardrobe. Among an old pile of clothes, I found my old yellow sundress. I doubt if it would look nice. I've reduced a bit and grown taller since I last wore it but I tried it out anyway. It's a bit lose and shorter than I remember, but it gives me a decent look.

I opened my footwear drawer and quickly scanned it, deciding with grey flats. I looked at the clock again; 04:41. He didn't ask where we’re going to meet. So I texted him to meet me at the coffee house around the corner, then we’d leave together from there.

I’ve gone to nudge the interrogation from mom I’m going to tell her that I am going out with friends. As for me getting ready for it, it’s because we’d be clicking pictures.

I tried my best to make my hair look presentable but they still look kinda messy. I looked at my face in the mirror, then decided against make-up. But a little lip-bam won't hurt, right?

I looked at the clock again 04:54. He didn’t respond yet. He must be getting ready. But we still have to confirm our meeting place; I called him. It rang, for a while but he isn’t picking up. I tried my best not to jump to conclusions and waited for him to pick up. But he didn't. I texted him again to ask if he was busy or something. But he didn't reply.

Am I being stood up? No, of course not. He's a really nice guy and is so sweet. He would never do that. He would have called if something came up. I looked at the clock again, 04:59. I lied down on my bed, waiting for a call or a text even. What if he really stood me up?

I’m still lying on my bed. Its 5:48 and I still haven't received even a text. This was supposed to be my first date after the breakup.  I was really looking forward to it, I was excited.  Except this feels so much worse than the breakup. I saw that coming but this, I don’t know if it was intentional or if I should still be friends with him. I remember he had told me, ‘We have something.’ and I believed him. Was that a lie? Is he just another liar who’s gonna break my heart again? I really hope not. Should I stop trusting people? Because every time I do, they break it and then go away as if they never knew me. Is it going to be the same this time too?

I really have been stood up. The tears I was trying to hold escaped from my left eye. But just then, my phone rang!

By: Mahi

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